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HexVision is a Computer Vision Platform that aims to extract valuable and actionable data from video footage, in particular from drones, and provide valuable data to clients as well as react to the data.

Computer Vision for Drones

Create a detailed report from the video captured by drone.


  1. Sign up for a HexVision account

  2. Choose a video

  3. Choose the Algorithm you would like to run

  4. Specify parameters for the algorithm.

  5. Hit Analyze- Algorithm will run itself, often faster than the video itself. 

  6. Get a summary report in Video, PDF and CSV format. 

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HexVision is a Computer Vision Platform that aims to extract valuable and actionable data from video footage, particularly from drones, and provide such data to clients and react to the data.  Currently, the main functionality of HexVision is housed on the website and consists of the Object Detection feature, but we plan to continue to expand with the goal of pushing forward into a new age of readily accessible Computer Vision tools.  In its current state, users can subscribe for varying monthly subscription packages or buy individual tokens, allowing them to analyze their videos directly on the site and receive results via email. HexVision supports Object Detection functionality, which means it can take in a video and produce desired outputs.  These include an annotated video, a pdf report, and a CSV file.  The Object Detection runs behind the scenes on custom algorithms supported by AWS.  It is compatible with any datasets we train models on, consisting of the COCO and aerial cars datasets.

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